So, I have this signed poster of Kyra Schon from George Romero’s “Night of the Living Dead” which I proudly hung in the Midway hallway. And, on a whim I started photographing guests standing in front of it, and then I’d frame and hang those photos around it, and its turned into this sort of weird growing Kyra Schon shrine. lol! So, then I started actually texting Kyra the photos as she lives in the area near the hotel and we are friends. lol! But we are not like super great best friends or anything, just acquaintances, so I imagine its all coming across to her as kind of weird. lol! But now its a thing, and its growing, and there’s no stopping it! So, here the latest guests Lynda and Viktor Salazar of the Seance Room group pose for this maddening cultural horror spiral! I didn’t even take this photo, they sent it to me! It’s out of control! You could be next!